I'm fairly pleased overall, it's about my standard of painting nowadays and I would probably use this method for white armour in the future (not too stark and decent shadows). The back pack is the same green as the other marines- catachan highlighted to camo green then a heavy thraka green wash. The shoulder pad is warlock purple with purple wash.
I'm looking to paint the rest of the command squad up soon, although a few decision remain on which minis to use (i want some veteran metals for a vanguard vets squad). My recent purchase of Assault on Black Reach means I'm finally getting up to date on 5th ed, but it also means the nice new minis are distracting me from my RT Marines, oh no i see a major abstraction coming- Crimson Fists anyone?
Great stuff man... I also like older models from my earlier hobby days. Don´t got them all anymore... But I do have my old Rogue Trader tactical marines. Inspired by your blog, I think I´m gonna wipe the dust from them :)
Thanks Alex, I'm hoping to use my Knights in a tournament once they are painted up. Should get some attention the old figures. Nice Hellfire marines by the way I'll watch your blog, ciao.
Lovely paint job on a lovely old model! I always thought this one was the best of the medics.
The other good one was this guy, who I shamelessly cut apart some years ago...
Great stuff though, please keep them coming! :)
Pacific that is a cool conversion, I like!
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