I have had this MK1 Landraider sitting around for some time, and as the Knights are coming together (2 RTB01 tac squads fully painted, devastators on the way and Assault squad with jump packs awaiting paint) I'll be needing a ride for the Command Squad or Terminators pretty soon. The problem is, this Landy has several coats of paint and glue splodges, generally it's looking shoddy and it's totally the wrong colour!
A full recondition is in order, firstly I have removed the sponsons as they were totally clogged with glue after decades of repairs (the old Land Raiders almost always lost their las-cannons at some point) these will be reattached using brass wire so that they articulate they way they're meant to.
As for removing the paint- early experiments with oven cleaner (Mr Muscle) on the heavy bolter are promising, leaving pristine 1980's plastic underneath. The oven cleaner needed 2 days to munch through the thick paint but has the benefit of not attacking the plastic. A word of warning to anyone who wishes to use this method- use gloves and a mask!! And clean up thoroughly afterwards, the concentrated Sodium Hydroxide in these products is very nasty. This method has the virtue of washing down the sink with warm water, other stripping methods can be more polluting. Always try your stripping chemicals on a test area like i have with the Heavy Bolter before commiting to the full model, especially if it's an antique.
Once the Land Raider is stripped I'll post up pictures.
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